Registered Nurse

Come and visit Unichem Royal Oak Pharmacy’s registered nurse for all of your nursing requirements.

Our NZ registered nurse is trained in cosmetics injections so we can provide private and confidential consultations for your appearance medicine requirements. Botox® and Dysport® are administered in our private consulting room along with other appearance medicine treatments. Living rewards points can be earn’t with every appearance medicine appointment. Book know for a FREE consultation.

Our registered nurse is also a trained vaccinator and can administer Flu Vaccines along with other vaccines including Whooping Cough, Shingles and some Travel vaccines. Note that some of these are fully funded when administered in the pharmacy.

Vitamin B12 and Iron injections, blood pressure monitoring, blood testing and all wound dressings can be easly taken care of by our nurse at a small cost. No reservation is required.

Contact Us






792 Manukau Road.
Royal Oak,
Auckland. 1023


Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm

Saturday: 9am - 1pm

Sunday & Public holidays: closed